Dear Staff,
“Thank you so much for all your help, guidance, and encouragement. We are hopefully on track and my daughter now has the tools to make better decisions!”
Dear, Staff,
“I want to thank you for your support, guidance, direction and helping me see parts of myself I needed to let go. Parts to celebrate and parts to really look at and grow from. You all are beautiful inside and out. I look forward to continuing to see you all.”
Dear Staff,
“Thank you for your generosity, as well as your wisdom and sense of humor! We are lucky to have you as our counselor!”
Dear John and Staff at The Mark,
“I wanted to say thank you and let you know how much I appreciate all your help and support for my son and his recovery. I know I couldn’t nor could he have done it without your help. I wish you all the best.”
We’ve been doing it for over 3 decades. The Mark Outpatient Counseling Center specializes in addiction and mental health recovery. Contact us today to discuss what program may be right for you or your family member. We want to help you to a better tomorrow and begin a process that promotes healing and recovery.
Notice To Patients / Aviso Para Pacientes:
This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income. Thank you.
Esta práctica sirve a todos los pacientes, independientemente de la capacidad de pago. Descuentos para los servicios esenciales son ofrecidos dependiendo de tamaño de la familia y de los ingresos. Gracias.
Easterseals Blake Foundation programs are in accordance with Federal Titles VI and VII requirements of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (See Notices of Compliance: Easterseals Blake Foundation | Who We Are), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
This organization is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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